
「电子书」Color Atlas of Physiology 生理学彩色图集 PDF


第5版英文版在内容和教学材料的组织方面进行了彻底的修订;几乎所有的彩色插图都是重新绘制的,以提高清晰度。广泛的介绍性章节着重于细胞生理学的各个方面。由于文本的大幅扩展和插图材料的改进,功能联系很容易被识别;新的概念和当前的研究进展被充分考虑到了。主要特点是 一般和细胞生理学;神经和肌肉;自主神经系统;血液;呼吸;酸碱平衡;肾脏盐和水的平衡;心脏和循环;热平衡和体温调节;营养和消化;荷尔蒙控制;中枢神经系统和感官。

The 5th English edition has been thoroughly revised in terms of content and organization of the didactic material; almost all of the color illustrations have been drawn anew for improved clarity. The extensive introductory chapter focuses on aspects of cytophysiology. Owing to the considerably expanded text and improved illustrative material, functional connections are easily recognized; new concepts and current advances in research are taken fully into account. Main features are: General and cellular physiology; Nerve and muscle; Autonomic nervous system; Blood; respiration; Acid-base balance; Kidney salt and water balance; Heart and circulation; Thermal balance and thermoregulation; Nutrition and digestion; Hormonal control; Central nervous system and senses

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